Tuesday, June 16, 2009

back to back to back to

Ba Boom BOOM. Ba BOOM Boom. BA boom boom.
Bang that drum slowly Rose my boy. More slowly than that even. Yet more slowly still. Right now one hundred thousand lives are happening. Not just you right now. There's many more than you right now. But one hundred thousand is enough. Do you see my point?
Blond Emily's will rule the world then - all one hundred thousand of them.
That's more than we'll need. Ten is enough.
Funny boy. That's it then. For the sake of the ten you will be spared.
Ten blond Emily's? Sounds good. Deal.
No deal. Time. Time and nothing more.

Flora sat eating cherries on the sofa. Most of us just swatted them or plucked them off the deck as they fell from the sky but Faf took them one by one and ate them leaving the tiny broken pits to litter the cushions. Then after being such an incredible doll and beauty she sneaked quietly away to the back room and made a steaming pile of shit. She's my dog alright. I was pissed anyway. Pissed enough to lock her in the back yard where she promptly escaped for the indignity of it, got picked up by the cops and spent the night in the awful prison under threat of sterilization or euthanasia, audibly. "I lost my doggy," was my response. No sympathy. Several phone calls and one hundred and twenty bucks later I had her back. Fuck. I suppose I could be more organized about the situation but damned if I'd wait another minute to enjoy what I should have several days, months or years ago. Back to the grind then, almost over it, back to it, back into it, mine, yours, the other. Grrrrrr...

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