Thursday, January 28, 2010

rock, rope, and purchase

I came home and drank a beer. Then I drank a second beer and sat down to write. I listened and then read a few articles about the death of JD Salinger and recalled the last copy of Catcher in the Rye I owned. As I recall, V Daddy was reading it in Wyoming, at the Simpson Street place. This may be wrong but the image would be enough for me to think that yes, this is where it happened and as I remember he really liked it. Behind him would have been the large picture window with a view of the Snow King ski resort and the Gros Ventre range behind that. This would be it. Earlier in the day the sun had peeked through the clouds as I watched from the fourth floor bughouse east view just before a short spat of flurries turned into white out conditions. I set the camera up and left it running then drove to Siberia, otherwise known as RIT and taught a class. On the way home I thought about memory and subversion and how time doesn't wait so I don't wait. I thought about who I could give my time to and who I could leave behind. Almost everyone bubbles back to life and my thoughts about thoughts delay moments otherwise just there to experience. I want certainty and then I catch a lie I tell for the sake of a better story and then I catch a lie my other tells for the sake of an even better story. That's where it, life and loyalty, gets dumb and there is nothing more dumb than permitted ignorance after the call. My family. There are those there that will stay with you as you fall, those are your family. There are those that will permit your fall, those are your family. There are those that will await your fall and pick you up, those are your family. So I want to say and I can just say here but it won't have the same impact as how successfully I mean it that what I have wanted and so thoroughly failed at is insisting the other be family though instead fall to fail. In other words I have wanted no other option but have permitted all options and have seen those options exercised on me too. Those options, that other, is not your family. What's more is I see it in you too. And this keeps me plugging. So it goes in rock twenty ten. And it's snowing again thank God.