Tuesday, March 10, 2009

aWay things go

There's a moment after realizing that no help has arrived where I stand numb, wanting far more than can be provided. Immediately regretting any movement or lack of movement that left me here in the first place.

Nothing has happened to you Rose.
I see.
We want to help you but.
But what?
But you... need refinement.
You need... Salt.
I see.
Can you send Buttercup?
It's not going to happen.
Who's going to help with the apartment?
That's not going to happen either.
Rose, you are not going to get these things. You must earn them.
How do I earn them?
Pain? This hurts.
Not enough.
I see.
What is the next thing then?
Go it alone, you'll know what to do.
I will?
No. Stop being so childish.
I see.
Not yet.
I do, I must learn to kill.
Not kill, kill swiftly.
What if I kill you first?
You can't kill me.
What if I want to.
Then you will go with me.
I don't want to kill you, I want to love you.
Who are you talking to?
I'm talking to absence.
What absence?
That thing that wants something more. Send Buttercup.
Each time you ask, the further she will be from you.
Right, right, go it alone.
The only way through. Good luck.
Good luck?
You may not make it. Many do not.
I see. I risk too much.
You gamble with it.
It's in me.
You should have waited. You should not need a test. Go quietly. Carry on.
Aye. Give and let give.

More voices:

What you are making here is silliness, it's Romantic and dumb. It's numbness in action. Just listen and don't pretend to understand. Just listen.

I don't understand. Who's speaking?
